6th September 2016

Announcement Sheet

Prayer Points: 

“With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesian 6 v18.

  •  “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1. As we worship this Sunday, ask God to help us do so as joyful duty, with hearts that want to declare Him worthy of praise.
  • Pray that that God will bless the reading and preaching of His Word in our services, opening the eyes of our hearts to better see His glory in Jesus.
  • Thank God for the wide-ranging talents and abilities that He has given to our church family and pray that we will always be ready to serve Him and bring glory to His name.
  • Pray that God will help and guide our new moderator, Dr Richard Murray, as he commences his public engagements and visits to congregations.
  • Thank God for the visitors coming to our church and to our church activities. Pray that we would be a welcoming and friendly church and good witnesses for Christ in what we say and what we do. Pray that God will awaken their interest in spiritual matters.
  •  Continue to remember in prayer those who have been bereaved in recent weeks, those who have long-term illnesses, and those who are down in heart because of their medical situation – praying that they would know God’s comfort. Thank God for those who have come through recent stays in hospital, and pray for their full recovery.
  • Pray that God will overrule on the result of the General Election taking place this week. Pray that He will grant wisdom and direction to the new government to govern justly and fairly for the good of all people. Pray that it will not pass laws that are against God’s will.

For July, our Sunday Service Preachers will be as below… PLEASE REMEMBER THE 11.00AM START for morning worship:

  • Sunday 7th July
    • 11.00am – Mr. D. Lowe.
    • 6.30pm – Rev. J. Noble.
  • Sunday 14th July 
    • 11.00am – Rev. A. Smyth.
    • 6.30pm – Rev. A. Smyth.
  • Sunday 21st July 
    • 11.00am – Mr. J. Hardy (Ballarat Pres. Church, Australia).
    • 6.30pm – Rev. A. Smyth.
  • Sunday 28th July 
    • 11.00am – Rev. J. Noble.
    • 6.30pm – Rev. J. Noble.

Announcements for July 2024:

  • Youth Club Summer Scheme, 22nd-24th July, 7pm-9pm — For young people going into P7 up to Upper Sixth – 3 fun filled evenings with a range of activities and games to suit everyone and some food too! Cost is £10 (covers the cost of a T-shirt).  Please sign up by Friday 5th July so T-shirts can be ordered in good time, if you have any questions please speak to Jemma. *Flyer attached below for sharing also.
  • Empty boxes/containers wanted — Jemma is hoping to create a resource room/space (that everyone is welcome to have access to).  This will contain craft material, children’s story resources, spare colouring pages and also decorative things like bunting etc. To set this up, Jemma will need boxes and containers to store all the items. If anyone has any unwanted boxes or containers that you feel may be useful for this space please speak to Jemma.  Thank you in advance!
  • Bookshelf — As holidays approach and books are sought please remember to browse our bookshelf in the halls’ foyer.  There’s a variety of books there which will educate, encourage and build our faith… and they’re free!
  • August Announcement Sheet — all announcements for August should be with Andy Clarke by 25th July, please! 🙂
  • Rev. Smyth’s Holiday Coverage: 
    • Sun 7th July – Wed 10th July inclusive: Rev. John Noble 
    • Tue 23rd July – Sun 28th July inclusive: Mr Andrew Martin (Assistant Minister in Ballygowan)
    • Mon 29th July – Tues 6th August inclusive : Rev Scott Woodburn (Minister of Edengrove)
    • Wed 7th August – Mon 19th August inclusive: Rev John Torrens  (Minister of 2nd Saintfield)